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In today’s Australian IT job market, skilled candidates might find themselves in the enviable position of having two equally promising job offers on the table. Whilst it’s certainly flattering to be so highly sought-after, determining the most appropriate option for your Technology career can be a difficult task. These tips can help you make the right choice.
The first step to take when deciding between job offers is to give yourself a moment to reflect on your priorities. What were you looking for when you started your job search? Perhaps it was a better work/life balance, work from home flexibility, or higher pay. Are there some deal-breaking factors that you want to avoid altogether? Once you’ve narrowed in on these key concerns, keep them in the forefront of your mind during the rest of the decision-making process.
Compare how each role fills these requirements. You may find that each offer works for you in a different way and meets different priorities. At this point, consider where you may be willing to compromise, as well as what aspects are most essential. This will help you keep track of what’s most important whilst you compare job offers, and avoid being swayed by extra perks or promises that don’t meet your core needs.
Naturally, salary, and how it compares to market rates, is one of the first things that most candidates look at. Whilst there’s certainly nothing wrong with that, it’s not the only factor to consider when you need to choose between two jobs.
It’s best to weigh up the total package to get a full picture of what is actually on offer. Now that you’ve identified your priorities and know where these are being fulfilled, studying any ‘extras’ that are included in a given role may help to ease the final decision.
Take a look for bonuses or incentives, company phones and vehicles, or even flexible work options as a start. However, there are other aspects that you may have to ask about specifically, or research further into. For example, what kind of commuting time can you expect? What is the company culture like?
Looking at all these aspects together will help you to see beyond the figures and get an idea of the overall impact each role could have on your life. If you’re not sure of all that’s on offer to begin with, your recruiter (or any contacts at the organisations) will be able to give you some insight on all the factors to consider when choosing a job.
When it comes to comparing two different jobs offers, it’s important to not only think about the present, but what each role could bring to you in the future. Although it’s important to consider short term benefits and priorities, always take time to think about the bigger picture as well.
If you have ambitions to keep growing and progressing within your career, then it’s critical to ensure that those kinds of opportunities are actually available within the company. If stability is more important, then ask how the company has adapted to recent industry changes, and whether it is likely to change in the coming years. Consider whether the employers are invested in their employees’ development, and if they’ll be there to support you professionally. Will there be chances to get involved in new areas and projects – maybe even to learn more about the industry as a whole?
It’s possible to find out the bulk of these things during the interview, but don’t be afraid to ask further questions if you’re still not sure about certain points. Remember that sometimes a job offer won’t tick every box, but it may still have a lot of potential that could lead to it becoming your ideal role in the future.
In the end, there is no way to 100% guarantee that your decision is the ‘right’ one – sometimes you just have to go with your gut. However, by remembering these tips on choosing between two jobs, you can at least be sure that you’ve given it the best consideration possible.
For all your Sydney-based IT recruitment needs, get in touch with our friendly team any time – you’re only one call away from starting the next stage of your professional journey, and we’re always here to help.
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